Compile Properties: Folders
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When compiling a menu as menuname.js, an awmData-menuname folder is also created under the same directory. This folder contains the necessary Javascript menu-building Libraries along with any images used by the compiled menu.

Instead of using the default awmData-menuname folder, you may use two separate custom folders containing the following elements:

Libraries Folder
awmlibX.js(the required Javascript menu-building Libraries. These are the javascript files containing all the functions that build the menu and drive its behavior)  
dot.gif(a required image file used to implement the cross-browser rendering of the menu. If missing, a small line will appear on the left side of every menu item and the menu may not show properly in some browsers. Although it is an image, it should always reside inside the Libraries Folder, next to the Javascript menu-building Libraries)  
Images Folder
.jpg or .gif files(all images used by the menu, except of the "dot.gif" special image that resides in the Libraries Folder. If not uploaded, the menu will still display all items but without images. The missing image sign ("x") may also appear in place of those images)  

Custom compile folders offer great flexibility when multiple menus are to be used inside the same web site. For example, you can use a custom "Libraries Folder" for all menus, so that scripts are downloaded and cached on the user's computer only once.

For single-menu implementations, we recommend that you keep the default folders as there is no obvious reason to change them (apart from naming preferences).

You can use relative paths too (eg: ../). If you do so, the folder location will be relative to the location of the compiled menuname.js file.

Libraries Folder:   allmenusdata
Images Folder:   allmenusdata

Libraries Folder:   ../allmenusdata
Images Folder:   ../allmenusdata

Libraries Folder:   allmenuslibs
Images Folder:   allmenusimages

Libraries Folder:   ../allmenuslibs
Images Folder:   ../allmenusimages

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