Use multiple menus on the same page
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You can use more than one menu on the same page if you compile and link these menus with different names.

1. Compile menu1.js and link it to the page
2. Compile menu2.js and link it to the page

Two HTML menu-linking sections will be created inside the html of the page. One for menu1.js and a different one for menu2.js (the order is not important).

How it works:
Let's say that you want to link a menu called "menu3.js" to a page. These are the actions taken place by AllWebMenus:

Does an HTML menu-linking section already exist for "menu3.js"?
YesReplace the old HTML menu-linking section with the new one  
No   Insert a new HTML menu-linking section for "menu3.js" into the page


It is obvious from the above example that an additional menu will not be added in your page if its name already exists inside that page. So, you need to be careful not to use the same name for different menus even if they are located in different directories.

Multiple menus can take advantage of the "Tools-> Compile Properties: Folders" capability so that a common "Scripts/Images Folder" is used instead of many separate ones.

You can have as many menus as you like inside the same page but you should be careful not to over do it, as performance may be affected.

See also
Compile Properties: Folders

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